hello I was banned for lack of pov, I had a bug with my geforce which did not take my pov.
I'm just asking you for a few days less because my friend only took 3 days for lack of pov.
thank you good night
привет меня забанили за отсутствие POV, у меня была ошибка с geforce которая не брала POV...
hello here is my pov, I did a good flyover beug because on the French server we had the right, I just still have the reflex to do it, please don't punish me for this!
Especially since it didn't benefit me in any way since I died shortly after!
bonjour je ne comprends pas pourquoi le policier est déjà en train de m'arrêter ??
Je lui dis que je ne gare pas le russe, je parle un peu anglais, je suis français donc je ne comprends pas.
Possible de me désavertir ?
здравствуйте я не понимаю почему полицейский меня уже арестовывает??
Я ему...
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